Family Court Support

McKenzie Friend

Child Custody

And All Family Court Matters

Affordable Low-Cost Approach Court Support
Highly successful in family law cases

Contact us

Telephone 07878 89 60 44 also Whatsapp


Chris James and associated Mckenzie friends team 

Direct email or use the Contact Us form Or Call 07878 896044


All family law matters 

Child Access -Child Contact Child -Arrangements Child Custody- See My Children

Mckenzie Friends Professional Low-Cost Approach Help At Court

Considered One Of The Most Highly Experienced And Recommended McKenzie Friends In The UK

30 years of Experience In Family Court Cases With Many Remarkable Achievements In the Supreme Court [see below]

Helping parents experiencing difficulties when attending Family Court hearings for Child Custody disputes, and unable to afford solicitors.

In many cases, the affordability issues may need a cost-effective way to assist you when you attend your family court hearings and this can be looked into once I can understand the issues 

I will be able to give you significant support before you attend your hearings giving you more clarity on your case issues this could also save you money on my attendance, and give you more confidence in how you progress your case.

My attendance at hearings is important when facing difficult decisions, and we can look at the costs accordingly.

Affordability is key and not compromising your case is fundamentally important

 [see below for more detail]

Highly skilled knowledgeable support for the more complex family law cases, when experience is vital in helping you understand procedures and the interpretation of expert evidence, with no room for mistakes, 

With reassurance that I cannot remember any significant poor outcomes. this is down to some basic principles of honesty and professionalism.

Helping others achieve remarkable outcomes in landmark cases [see below] and challenging outdated case law in Supreme Court hearings known as the voice of a child.

For consumer information and assurance

I have been vetted by the consumer legal services panel and can produce a 48-page document if requested 

Fees affordable approach

No large upfront fees Low-cost fixed fee engagement for support and a pay-as-you-go affordable approach

     1 hour of my time could save you thousands when using a solicitor.
  • Helping you prepare your case for your pending hearing
  • Help at your family court hearings as your Mckenzie Friend  

  • Free telephone support at court before your hearings as an alternative 

  • Help you to obtain free legal support in None molestation and finding of fact cases

  • Achieving the best outcome without compromise, and keeping your costs minimal.

  • Unlike any other service, I look at the implications before attending a hearing.

Contact us 

Free 15 Mins Free Initial Advice  

Expert In Complex Child Custody And Finding Of Fact Hearings

All Family Court Issues Relating To The More Complex Cases


Telephone our friendly team for some initial support at 07878 89 60 44

  • Highly Sensitive Children Cases And Disputed Issues
  • Finding Of fact Allegations [ With free representation in some cases ]
  • None Molestation and occupation Cases
  • Hague Convention International Child Abduction Cases And Ward Of Court
  • Divorce And Financial Case support
  • High Court And Supreme Court Experience And Court of Appeal
  • Removal From Jurisdiction

About our Mckenzie friends

Welcome my name is Christopher James and associated  Mckenzie' friends  

Considered One Of The Most Highly Experienced And Recommended McKenzie Friends In The UK

Helping you understand how the presentation of your case with my support at family court hearings 

Working towards realistic outcomes, when you are attending the family courts without spending a fortune on disputed matters relating to children, and findings of fact hearings, to re-establish contact in a safe environment after separation.

I will help you overcome the problems that most parents find without having access to a solicitor or barristers, allowing you to gain experience from myself to conduct your case and have my support at court or we can look at other affordable options, you will be given help with everything a solicitor would normally do including preparation of your court files and helping you understand the legal consequences.

Cost-effective solutions that save you money and why some services will just look for financial gain.  

For example, some hearings are not always going to achieve much unless by consent, and this is costly for you, I will look to avoid this and unlike other services protect your funds for more substantial matters, so we have recently introduced telephone support from court to help save on costs, this works when you're in negotiations before the court hearing and need that assurance on decisions.

None Molestation and finding of facts hearings [Free support at Court] 

I can help you with the preparation stages and also help you obtain free services within the family courts system when you cannot obtain legal aid in court proceedings for example in cases of cross-examination, this process needs to be explained on how to use the practice directions available to you to save you thousands and also give you some fairness on how your case is conducted.

I can help you with the preparation stages and also help you obtain free services within the family courts system when you cannot obtain legal aid in court proceedings for example in cases of cross-examination, this process needs to be explained on how to use the practice directions available to you to save you thousands and also give you some fairness on how your case is conducted.

Fees some examples 

Court applications  I can help you understand the possible scenarios of any application relating to child arrangements and other issues within the family courts

Free None Molestaion application forms and statements [not responding]

Court applications C100 only £75.00 all- [minimum fee required] 

With remarkable achievements including a well-established case in the Supreme Court London in 2012 known as the voice of a child and referred to by professionals and Judges as case law [as seen in the link below] this case highlights the issues to strengthen children's rights in family cases, and this gives an understanding to the importance of choosing the right kind of help that's going to make a difference, One key aspect I have considered over the years is it necessary to have someone at court with you, and can it be managed other ways, thus keeping your funds saved for more significant hearings 


My role is to assist parents who need support with the more complex and highly sensitive children cases in private law proceedings, I can help you with child arrangements and disputed allegations and issues over what school your children should attend, or leave to remove a child from jurisdiction, and all matters relating to you attending a family court hearing.

I have 30 years plus experience and have successfully completed over 3000 cases with remarkable outcomes in helping parents, I have worked alongside families fathers and both parents matters and come recommended by child services departments, my service will save you time and endless costs, to dispute or re-establish child contact in a safe environment, and I welcome both parents and grandparents applications.

Expert Knowledge

The importance of having someone with expert knowledge who is dedicated and successful in meeting the highest level of achievement is paramount and key to your outcome.

Not all McKenzie friends have the same experience as me, and I can give you a clear understanding of to avoid prolonged litigation that some lawyers simply will not do, and provide honest views on your approach, with straight forward advice.

Aftercare support

After your Court case is completed I provide aftercare support to help oversee matters run smoothly, this could also help avoid any confusion on how the court order should be working effectively and avoid further applications to the court. 

Why not have a discussion on how I can help you by pressing the link below  

With remarkable experience 

I have gained remarkable knowledge in high conflict and disputed child custody issues, and serious allegations leading to a contested hearing, this experience is paramount to how you conduct your case, and achieve the objective with the correct guidance. Only a few Mckenzie friends will have the experience of the supreme court, such as a child being held abroad and subject to an application under the Hague Convention, or have knowledge of the basic principles of the Court of Appeal, and this is important to have that reassurance of knowing who you can trust in a difficult position relating to your children. 

Outstanding results

With vast experience of over 5000 successful cases in Family Court hearings, and meeting the highest level of achievements and expectations in helping litigants prepare and conducting matters in family court proceedings, with the emphasis to help parents who cannot afford solicitors costs, and helping you at a very low cost. With no compromising and giving you a far better chance of success against the competing legal team.

You will achieve more satisfaction at a lower cost than most services and this is absolutely guaranteed

The objective and honest opinion

 As your Mckenzie friend, it Is to allow you to succeed for the best interest of your children, and not be motivated by financial gain, and it's also worth remembering an appraisal of the supportive role in the appendix notes in High Court judgments as opposed to testimonials from personal recommendations.

 Successful stories that is used as case law   

Established remarkable landmark judgments [2012] in the supreme court London.

One of the most successful cases was in the Supreme Court in London, this was related to a Hague Convention and child abduction and parental alienation case and made public, this case highlights the need to strengthen the child's rights, and is used as case law in legal arguments.
The judge, in this case, commented in the judgment appendix notes about my role and support and gave a commendation for my work and specifically on my conduct, preparation, and help with the presentation of the legal argument
See the link below.'s-rights-313172

Important consideration 

Unlike some support services, I will only consider your case if you have a realistic chance of success, as being honest in an unregulated service will save you time and money.

Not all services can be as honest, and you could be misguided by someone who simply has been handed your case with no experience, my role is to help you as your McKenzie friend, and this will be explained why I will be the only person dedicated to helping you.

Here is some guidance on what I can and cannot do in court when I'm supporting you</p>

Grandparents applications

I have assisted parents and grandparents in private law proceedings for many years, providing you with the knowledge and guidance to achieve your objectives, I can support you through every aspect of the process. With proven supportive strategies, coupled with the assurance of a host of satisfied parents that I have helped over many years, with a wealth of supportive references from established professional organizations and charities.

Negotiations prior are of paramount importance in proceedings; barristers will usually support knowledgeable McKenzie Friends being involved, this will be advantageous to your case and can help to resolve matters smoothly as it can make these negotiations less confrontational