Testimonial from both parents matter families need fathers

Family court support

Testimonials from both parents matter families need fathers

McKenzie's friend Chris james is an expert in assisting in children and financial cases relating to divorce and separation and has supported Parents and Grandparents in over 1900 hearings in family matters since 2004. Chris is one of the most experienced McKenzie Friends in the UK and has 30 years of background knowledge in children's matters and public law cases. He is well known and well respected as a McKenzie Friend in the Family Law Courts, having broad experience from Magistrate's Courts through to the High Court and the Court of Appeal. Using this experience, you can trust Chris to guide you through the court process, assist with court documentation, and statements, and support you during court appearances. In contract disputes, Chris's focus is firmly on the importance of both sides of the family having proper input into the child's upbringing, and he has a long history of successful outcomes in this regard.

Read more: https://www.mckenziefriendfamilylaw.com/ here...